Kaya Birthing Stool – Coming Soon!


I received a lot of positive feedback about the post I posted the other day about the Kaya Birthing Stool!!! The creator of the Kaya even heard that I blogged about it, and emailed me, after I asked her about how to purchase one!

I am thrilled to announce that I placed my order today for the Kaya Birthing Stool and will have it soon for pregnant women to rent for labor and birthing.  I am also working out an arrangement currently with Sarah H., of Sprout Reviews, in order for some pregnant women to review the stool during labor, so Kaya Birth can have accurate feedback about the design and usability of their stool!

Please contact me soon to reserve your space of time to rent the stool.  I am still working out the kinks, so I will post more about rates, length of time the stool will be available, etc.  Also, sanitation will be of the utmost importance.  I will be disinfecting the birthing stool with a medical grade sanitizer, so sanitation will not be a concern.

I am extremely excited to bring such a progressive birthing stool to Fayetteville! To learn more about the Kaya Birthing Stool, please click here!


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